A Celebration of Creativity, Innovation, and Collaboration

Mak­er Faire is the world’s largest fam­i­ly-friend­ly fes­ti­val of inven­tion and cre­ativ­i­ty, cel­e­brat­ing sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy, engi­neer­ing, arts, crafts, and the Do-It-Your­self (DIY) mind­set. It is a gath­er­ing of tech enthu­si­asts, edu­ca­tors, schools, uni­ver­si­ties, hob­by­ists, engi­neers, sci­ence clubs, inven­tors, artists, stu­dents and exhibitors. At the fes­ti­val guests can enjoy and take part in a wide range of exhibits, work­shops, and activ­i­ties that inspire and encour­age every­one to become a mak­er themselves.

In 2023, Shang­hai host­ed its own ver­sion of Mak­er Faire, orga­nized by Ger­man Events in Co-oper­a­tion with Qwok­ka, a lead­ing edu­ca­tion com­pa­ny that spe­cial­izes in pro­mot­ing STEAM (Sci­ence, Tech­nol­o­gy, Engi­neer­ing, Arts, and Math­e­mat­ics) learn­ing and inno­va­tion in Chi­na. The event took place from May 27 to June 4 at The Cen­tral, a vibrant cul­tur­al and com­mer­cial hub in the heart of the city.

Outstanding Success

The event was a huge suc­cess, attract­ing more than 20,000 vis­i­tors over the course of two week­ends. It was also a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for Qwok­ka to show­case their exper­tise and net­work with poten­tial spon­sors and part­ners for future projects. The event received pos­i­tive feed­back from both the guests and the media, who praised the qual­i­ty of the exhibits, the work­shops, and the atmosphere.

Do Not Miss Out on the Next Maker Faire

If you missed the Mak­er Faire Shang­hai 2023, don’t wor­ry. You can still relive the high­lights by brows­ing through our gallery below. You can also fol­low us on our web­site and social media chan­nels to stay updat­ed on our upcom­ing events and pro­mo­tions. We hope to see you soon at our next cel­e­bra­tion of cre­ativ­i­ty, inno­va­tion, and collaboration!

What made Maker Faire Shanghai 2023 unique?

Mak­er Faire Shang­hai 2023 was not just anoth­er fes­ti­val. It was a learn­ing expe­ri­ence that brought togeth­er the best of STEAM and mak­er cul­ture. Here are some of the fea­tures that made it stand out from oth­er events:

A showcase of local and international makers

The event fea­tured over 40 inter­ac­tive and engag­ing booths that show­cased the work of local and inter­na­tion­al mak­ers from var­i­ous fields and dis­ci­plines. The guests could see and try out dif­fer­ent projects rang­ing from 3D print­ing, robot­ics, drones, wood­work­ing, elec­tron­ics, art instal­la­tions, games, fash­ion design, music pro­duc­tion, and more. The event also high­light­ed the cul­tur­al diver­si­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty of the mak­ers by dis­play­ing their works in dif­fer­ent lan­guages, styles, and themes.

A platform for education and innovation

The event also pro­vid­ed a plat­form for edu­ca­tion and inno­va­tion by host­ing var­i­ous work­shops, talks, and com­pe­ti­tions that engaged the guests in hands-on learn­ing and prob­lem-solv­ing. The work­shops cov­ered top­ics such as cod­ing, cir­cuit design, laser cut­ting, Arduino pro­gram­ming, VR/​AR devel­op­ment, etc. The talks fea­tured speak­ers from dif­fer­ent back­grounds and indus­tries who shared their insights and expe­ri­ences on top­ics such as entre­pre­neur­ship, social impact, sus­tain­abil­i­ty, etc. The com­pe­ti­tions chal­lenged the guests to apply their skills and cre­ativ­i­ty to solve real-world prob­lems or cre­ate some­thing new.

A community of makers

The event also fos­tered a com­mu­ni­ty of mak­ers by facil­i­tat­ing net­work­ing and col­lab­o­ra­tion among the par­tic­i­pants. The guests could inter­act with each oth­er and with the exhibitors through var­i­ous activ­i­ties such as scav­enger hunts, mak­er bin­go cards, mak­er pass­ports, etc. They could also exchange ideas and feed­back through social media plat­forms such as WeChat or Insta­gram using hash­tags such as #mak­er­faire­shang­hai or #qwok­ka.

A celebration of diversity and inclusion

The event also cel­e­brat­ed the diver­si­ty and inclu­sion of the mak­er com­mu­ni­ty by fea­tur­ing mak­ers from dif­fer­ent back­grounds, ages, gen­ders, and abil­i­ties. The guests could learn from and appre­ci­ate the sto­ries and per­spec­tives of mak­ers who are under­rep­re­sent­ed or mar­gin­al­ized in the main­stream soci­ety. The event also pro­mot­ed the val­ues of respect, empa­thy, and col­lab­o­ra­tion among the participants.

Why choose German Events for your next project?

Customized & Creative Solutions for Your Needs

Ger­man Events is not only an event orga­niz­er, but also a cre­ative agency that can deliv­er per­son­al­ized and inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for your needs. We can han­dle any project that involves Ger­many and Chi­na, from start to fin­ish. We can also sup­port you with con­sult­ing, mar­ket­ing, and PR ser­vices to help you suc­ceed. We are flex­i­ble, adapt­able, and atten­tive to your requests and feed­back. We are always keen to explore new chal­lenges and opportunities.


Promoting German Culture across China

Ger­man Events is a mar­ket­ing agency that excels in cel­e­brat­ing Ger­man cul­ture and busi­ness in Chi­na. We have over 10 years of expe­ri­ence in orga­niz­ing events, cam­paigns, exhi­bi­tions, trade fairs, and sem­i­nars that demon­strate the diver­si­ty and excel­lence of Germany.

Experience & Quality

We have a team of expe­ri­enced pro­fes­sion­als who are pas­sion­ate about Ger­many and Chi­na. We have estab­lished con­nec­tions with local part­ners, media out­lets, gov­ern­ment agen­cies, and cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions. We have a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of both mar­kets and cul­tures. We have a con­sis­tent record of deliv­er­ing high-qual­i­ty results.

Brand Awareness to Chinese Market

We can assist you with any project that involves Ger­many and Chi­na. Whether you want to raise aware­ness of your prod­uct or ser­vice to the Chi­nese mar­ket, increase your net­work or cus­tomer base, boost your brand image or rep­u­ta­tion, or sim­ply cel­e­brate your Ger­man her­itage or iden­ti­ty, we can make it happen.

Cooperation & Sponsorship Opportunities

We are always on the look­out for new spon­sors and part­ners who share our vision and val­ues. If you are inter­est­ed in coop­er­at­ing with us or sup­port­ing our events, please con­tact us at info@​germanevents.​cn .