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Ger­man cui­sine is famous for its hearty and deli­cious dish­es that sat­is­fy any appetite. But what are the most pop­u­lar Ger­man dish­es that you can try at our events? In this arti­cle, we will intro­duce you to some of the best exam­ples of Ger­man food that we offer at our events, from sausages and schnitzels to cakes and cook­ies. Whether you are a meat lover, a veg­e­tar­i­an, or a sweet tooth, you will find some­thing to suit your taste buds.


You can’t have a list of pop­u­lar Ger­man dish­es with­out men­tion­ing sausages. Ger­many has more than 40 vari­eties of bratwurst, each with its own fla­vor and tex­ture. Some of the most com­mon ones are:

  • Weis­s­wurst: A white sausage made from veal and pork, sea­soned with pars­ley, lemon, mace, onions, gin­ger, and car­damom. It is usu­al­ly served with sweet mus­tard and pretzels.
  • Cur­ry­wurst: A fried pork sausage cut into slices and topped with ketchup mixed with cur­ry pow­der. It is a street food clas­sic that orig­i­nat­ed in Berlin after World War II.
  • Nürn­berg­er Ros­t­bratwurst: A small and thin sausage made from pork and mar­jo­ram. It is grilled over a beech­wood fire and served with sauer­kraut or pota­to salad.

At our events, you can enjoy a vari­ety of sausages with dif­fer­ent sauces and breads. They are per­fect for snack­ing or as a main course.


Schnitzel is anoth­er icon­ic Ger­man dish that con­sists of a thin, bread­ed, and pan-fried veal, pork, or chick­en cut­let. The most famous ver­sion is the Wiener Schnitzel, which orig­i­nat­ed in Vien­na, Aus­tria, but became pop­u­lar in Ger­many as well. It is usu­al­ly served with lemon wedges, pota­to sal­ad, or fries.

Anoth­er pop­u­lar vari­a­tion is the Zige­uner­schnitzel, which is topped with a spicy sauce made from bell pep­pers, onions, toma­toes, mush­rooms, wine, and papri­ka. It is also known as gyp­sy schnitzel or papri­ka schnitzel.

At our events, you can try dif­fer­ent kinds of schnitzels with var­i­ous top­pings and sides. They are crispy on the out­side and ten­der on the inside.


Käs­espät­zle is a cheesy pas­ta dish that is pop­u­lar in cozy Munich pubs in win­ter. Spät­zle are small egg noo­dles that are hand­made or pressed through a colan­der into boil­ing water. They are then mixed with grat­ed cheese (usu­al­ly Emmen­taler or Gruyère) and fried onions. The result is a creamy and com­fort­ing dish that warms you up on a cold day.

At our events, you can enjoy käs­espät­zle as a veg­e­tar­i­an option or as a side dish for meat dish­es. They are rich and satisfying.


Sauer­brat­en is a tra­di­tion­al pot roast that is mar­i­nat­ed in vine­gar, wine, spices, and herbs for sev­er­al days before being cooked until ten­der. The mari­nade gives the meat a sour and tangy fla­vor that con­trasts with the sweet­ness of the gravy. The gravy is thick­ened with crushed gin­ger­bread or lebkuchen, which adds more depth and com­plex­i­ty to the dish.

Sauer­brat­en can be made with dif­fer­ent kinds of meat, such as beef, veni­son, lamb, or horse. It is usu­al­ly served with dumplings, noo­dles, or mashed pota­toes and red cab­bage or sauerkraut.

At our events, you can taste sauer­brat­en as one of our main cours­es. It is a hearty and fla­vor­ful dish that show­cas­es the art of Ger­man cooking.

Black Forest Cake

No list of pop­u­lar Ger­man dish­es would be com­plete with­out men­tion­ing dessert. And one of the most famous Ger­man desserts is the Black For­est cake, or Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. This cake con­sists of lay­ers of choco­late sponge cake soaked with cher­ry brandy, whipped cream, and cher­ries. It is dec­o­rat­ed with more whipped cream, choco­late shav­ings, and maraschi­no cherries.

The cake is named after the Black For­est region in south­west­ern Ger­many, where the cher­ry brandy is pro­duced. It is also the ori­gin of the cuck­oo clocks and the tra­di­tion­al cos­tumes that we wear at our events.

At our events, you can indulge in a slice of Black For­est cake as a sweet treat. It is moist, creamy, and decadent.


These are just some of the most pop­u­lar Ger­man dish­es that you can try at our events. We have many more to offer, from soups and sal­ads to breads and pas­tries. Our goal is to intro­duce you to the diver­si­ty and excel­lence of Ger­man cui­sine and culture.

At Ger­man Events Web­site , we are pas­sion­ate about orga­niz­ing events that show­case the best of Ger­many. We host events , cam­paigns , exhi­bi­tions , trade fairs , sem­i­nars that fea­ture Ger­man food, music, art, his­to­ry, and more. We also offer con­sult­ing ser­vices for any­one who wants to learn more about Ger­many or do busi­ness with Germany.

Con­tact us today and let us help you dis­cov­er the most pop­u­lar Ger­man dish­es and more.

Partners | German Events | Logo | Zeitgeist
Part­ners | Ger­man Events | Logo | Zeitgeist

Dis­claimer: All the images in this arti­cle are cour­tesy of Zeit­geist restau­rant in Shang­hai, which is one of our offi­cial part­ners. Zeit­geist is a Ger­man restau­rant and bar that offers authen­tic and mod­ern Ger­man cui­sine and drinks in a cozy and styl­ish atmos­phere. They use fresh and high-qual­i­ty ingre­di­ents to cre­ate dish­es that are inspired by the region­al spe­cial­ties of Germany. 

Whether you want to enjoy a schnitzel, a cur­ry­wurst, a käs­espät­zle, or a Black For­est cake, you will find it at Zeit­geist. They also have a wide selec­tion of Ger­man beers, wines, and spir­its to com­ple­ment your meal. If you are look­ing for a place to expe­ri­ence the best of Ger­man food and cul­ture in Shang­hai, look no fur­ther than Zeit­geist. You can vis­it their web­site to learn more about their menu, loca­tion, and events. 

You can also fol­low them on social media to stay updat­ed on their lat­est news and pro­mo­tions. We are proud to col­lab­o­rate with Zeit­geist and we high­ly rec­om­mend them to any­one who loves Ger­man food or wants to try some­thing new.

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