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Win­ter is here, and so is Christkindl­markt! If you are look­ing for a way to cel­e­brate the sea­son and enjoy some Ger­man cul­ture, you should def­i­nite­ly vis­it Christkindl­markt Shang­hai, one of the most pop­u­lar and authen­tic Christ­mas mar­kets in the city.

Christkindl­markt is a Ger­man word that means “Christ child mar­ket”. It is a tra­di­tion­al Christ­mas mar­ket that orig­i­nat­ed in Ger­many and oth­er parts of Europe in the Mid­dle Ages. It is a place where peo­ple can buy hand­made crafts, fes­tive food, and enjoy live music and enter­tain­ment. It is also a place where peo­ple can feel the spir­it of Christ­mas and cel­e­brate with their loved ones.

In 2022, we brought this charm­ing tra­di­tion to Shang­hai, where we host­ed the Christkindl­markt Shang­hai 2022 from Decem­ber 2 to Decem­ber 19 at Yuan­mingyuan Road, near the Bund. It was a spec­tac­u­lar event that attract­ed thou­sands of vis­i­tors from dif­fer­ent back­grounds and cul­tures to enjoy the best of Ger­man hos­pi­tal­i­ty and entertainment.

But why should you visit Christkindlmarkt during Shanghai winter? Here are the top 10 reasons:

  1. Expe­ri­ence a unique cul­tur­al event
    Christkindl­markt is not just anoth­er Christ­mas mar­ket. It is a spe­cial event that show­cas­es the his­to­ry and her­itage of Ger­many. You can learn about the ori­gins and cus­toms of this tra­di­tion, and how it has evolved over time. You can also dis­cov­er some of the sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences between Ger­man and Chi­nese cul­ture, and how they can enrich each other.
  2. Enjoy deli­cious region­al spe­cial­ties
    One of the main attrac­tions of Christkindl­markt is the food. You can taste a vari­ety of deli­cious region­al spe­cial­ties from Ger­many and oth­er coun­tries, such as gin­ger­bread, baked apples, chest­nuts, sausages, pret­zels, apple strudel, and of course, Glhwein (mulled wine). You can also find some local ven­dors who sell Chi­nese or inter­na­tion­al prod­ucts that match our theme.
  3. Shop for hand­i­crafts and gifts
    Anoth­er attrac­tion of Christkindl­markt is the shop­ping. You can find more than 50 beau­ti­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed wood­en stalls, sell­ing a vari­ety of hand­i­crafts and gifts, such as can­dles, orna­ments, toys, jew­el­ry, and more. You can buy some unique sou­venirs for your­self or your friends and fam­i­ly, or just browse around and admire the craftsmanship.
  4. Lis­ten to live music and enter­tain­ment
    Christkindl­markt is not only about food and shop­ping. It is also about music and enter­tain­ment. You can lis­ten to a live band from Ger­many, play­ing tra­di­tion­al and mod­ern Okto­ber­fest songs and invit­ing guests to dance and sing along. You can also join some of the games and activ­i­ties we offer, such as beer pong, arm wrestling, nail ham­mer­ing, and lucky draw.
  5. Ride on a mer­ry-go-round
    Christkindl­markt is not only for adults. It is also for chil­dren and adults alike. You can ride on a mer­ry-go-round that adds a touch of mag­ic to the mar­ket. You can also pay San­ta Claus a vis­it on the week­ends and tell him your wish­es for Christmas.
  6. Feel the fes­tive atmos­phere
    Christkindl­markt is not only about what you see, hear, taste, or do. It is also about what you feel. You can feel the fes­tive atmos­phere that fills the air with joy and warmth. You can feel the spir­it of Christ­mas that brings peo­ple togeth­er in peace and har­mo­ny. You can feel the charm of Bavaria that trans­ports you to anoth­er place and time.
  7. Enjoy a high-qual­i­ty ser­vice
    Christkindl­markt is not only an event orga­niz­er but also a cre­ative agency that pro­vides you with high-qual­i­ty ser­vice. We ensure that our prod­ucts and ser­vices meet your expec­ta­tions and stan­dards. We train our staff to pro­vide friend­ly and pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice. We main­tain a clean and safe envi­ron­ment for our guests.
  8. Net­work with poten­tial part­ners and clients
    Christkindl­markt is not only a par­ty but also an oppor­tu­ni­ty to net­work with poten­tial part­ners and clients. You can meet peo­ple from var­i­ous indus­tries and sec­tors who share your inter­est in Ger­man cul­ture and busi­ness. You can exchange con­tacts, ideas, or oppor­tu­ni­ties with them. You can also learn more about our spon­sors and part­ners who sup­port our events.
  9. Sup­port a good cause
    Christkindl­markt is not only a prof­it-mak­ing but also a char­i­ty-giv­ing event. We donate part of the pro­ceeds from the event to local char­i­ties that help peo­ple in need. By vis­it­ing Christkindl­markt, you are not only hav­ing fun but also doing good.
  10. Have a mem­o­rable time
    Christkindl­markt is not only a one-time but also a mem­o­rable event. You can have a mem­o­rable time with your friends, fam­i­ly, or col­leagues at Christkindl­markt. You can cre­ate some unfor­get­table mem­o­ries that will last for a lifetime.

We hope you enjoyed read­ing this arti­cle and we look for­ward to see­ing you at our next Christkindl­markt Shang­hai this year!

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